Scrolling through ads and social media can be exhausting. It feels like everyone’s life is perfectly curated—perfect looks, perfect kids, perfect marriages, thriving careers—it goes on and on.
It can be depressing!! I start feeling pretty lousy about myself, and my “not good enough” mentality flares up when I see how perfect everyone else's life seems. I know that’s not the intention behind most posts, but that’s often the impact on me.
What if we embraced our imperfections and normalized our flaws? What if we accepted them because they are the truth? Over the past two years of a deep spiritual journey, I’ve learned that being more in our truth creates more peace, harmony, love, and wisdom.
I am no saint!
I’ve been a mean mom—I yelled at my kids and prioritized my job over their performances or sporting events. (I can't even remember the work event that seemed so important, but I do remember the disappointment on my child's face.)
A neglectful friend who forgot to call and check in, missed birthdays, and disappeared for weeks, months, and years!
An unloving wife—forgot anniversaries and birthdays, said unkind words, ignored my partner because I took him for granted, even pondered divorce (let's be real, haven't we all?).
I’ve been an awful employee and boss—I missed deadlines, failed with goals, bombed presentations, and missed important meetings.
A dreadful entrepreneur—missed financial goals, let my business slide to zero dollars, and clients didn't follow through with promises.
I am perplexed about my wardrobe. I am terrible at outfits! I often stare at my closet, unable to find something cute to wear, so I put on the same thing as yesterday!
I could go on, but you get the gist- We are all imperfect!
When we’re honest about our imperfections,
we can embrace them as part of our beauty.

I could beat myself up for all my flaws, embrace them, and move on after learning from them.
We are born into the body we are given. We are born into the family we are given. We are born with our personality—the one we are given and nurture.

It's all perfect for our growth and evolution in this lifetime. Can we embrace what life has given us as perfectly imperfect? Can we have fun and love who we are AS IS?
