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In today’s Mindful Moments, I feel called to share my personal journey—who I am and where I am now.

I am a truth seeker and have been for 27 years. My commitment to being my best and living up to my full potential is unshakable and has only grown stronger.

Throughout my search, I've worked with an array of people—spiritual teachers, running, swimming, and surfing instructors, yoga and leadership guides, therapists, healers, and many coaches. I've invested heavily in programs and certifications, including shaman training, multiple coaching certifications, DISC, and Energy Leadership Assessments (my favorite!). I’ve been trained in Crucial Conversations, team dynamics, leadership, leadership, and more leadership. My team is also those who support me and what I do in the world- my husband (loooooove that guy), friends, kids, colleagues, and my virtual assistant (who helps me post these!) 

I've committed countless hours to retreats worldwide. I’ve learned so much and grown tremendously. I am grateful.

Some of these teachers are true masters, and I've been honored to learn from their guidance. This is my life path—to learn, grow, and now share. There is no other way for me, and I love every bit of it.

We all need others to help us on our path, those who are ahead of us. We are all here to learn and evolve. Even the masters are on a path! Then they…

 Pay it backward 

This isn't about arrogance or suggesting that anyone is better than another; it’s about recognizing that we’re all in different places and can learn from each other. This is my understanding and knowing. This is the soul's process.

My team is huge! 

I have committed a lot of trust, time, money, and commitment.


The result?

Today, I am calm, more confident, less reactive, and more forgiving. I know when I’m operating from my ego (below the line and in fear) versus my heart (soul). I listen to and trust my intuition. I feel vibrations inside when I’m certain with a HELL YES. 

When I get goosebumps, it's my soul confirming what I know. I am more self-aware, and my thoughts don’t run my life. I love so much more deeply—my husband, kids, family, friends, and YOU. Sharing with this community and receiving your feedback warms my heart. I know I am here to help transform others by sharing what I have learned and dedicated much of my life to on this path for 20+ years. 

This journey has taken years of work and continues to unfold and grow. It's not as much about time and investment as it is about how you show up with devotion and commitment.

CTA: Take five minutes this moment to reflect and write: 

Who is on your team?

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Only together, can we reach our peak!


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