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Bronwyn Morrissey
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Each week I try to share some thoughts from what is coming up in my life so we can share in this experience together. I've made an archive here, so whenever the mood strikes, you can flip through and hopefully find some inspiration.
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Mar 3, 2023
Let's THRIVE; not just Survive
Do you ever feel like you're just trying to survive the day before it's even 10am? I know for me - this is a very real feeling! And it...
Feb 22, 2023
Sometimes, ya gotta Quit to Win
I'm NOT a quitter! As a competitive athlete I was taught to push through pain and grit my teeth to make it to the finish line. It was...
Feb 16, 2023
Let's treat each other like Dogs
GREAT NEW IDEA: What if we treated each other like dogs? Now hear me out ... the other day I was trail running and passed a man walking a...
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