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Breaking Free from Self-Imposed Blind Spots

Have you ever felt like you’re standing in your own way? I’ve recently shined a light on one of my own blind spots—one that’s been quietly holding me back for years. Somewhere deep inside, I’d been believing a lie: that I needed to keep myself small, that my brilliance was not enough, or worse, not real.

But here’s the truth: It is a lie not just for me but for all of us.

We are one of 8 billion utterly unique beings shaped by our distinct experiences, perspectives, and wisdom. No one else sees the world exactly as you do. No one else can offer what you can. So why would we ever believe we don’t have something incredible to give the world? And yet, so many of us do.

The Power of Belief

Here’s the kicker: belief is everything. Studies on the placebo effect have shown that when people believe they’re taking medicine—even when it’s just a sugar pill—they often experience genuine healing. One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people who were given a placebo for pain relief experienced a reduction in symptoms almost identical to those who received actual treatment. Belief changes biology.

So, if belief can heal, it can also limit. If we believe we’re not enough, we live that truth—even a lie.

Know Your Personal Bottleneck

What has been transformative for me personally has also become the foundation of my work with clients. By recognizing and unraveling my own stories—those tangled knots of belief that once held me back—I’ve gained the clarity to help others do the same. My work is about shining a light on the constraints they can’t see, untangling the mess of self-imposed limitations, and guiding them toward the truth of who they really are. It’s a process of uncovering, questioning, and rewiring. And witnessing someone break free from those limitations to create more peace and possibility in their life? It’s pure magic.

I share this because this work has changed my life in the most remarkable way, and I know it can do the same for others.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Peter Crone speaks beautifully about the concept of self-imposed limitations. Many of the barriers we perceive—our “I can’t” statements—are nothing more than illusions. These mental constraints are born from past experiences, societal conditioning, or fear. They’re not real. They’re just stories we’ve told ourselves so many times they feel true.

For me, that story sounded like this: “Who am I to shine? Who am I to believe that I have something brilliant to offer?”

But when I stop and question those thoughts, I see how absurd they are. Those stories were never about my worth—they were about my fears.

Breaking Free

The way out is to challenge these stories. To gently yet firmly call out the lies and replace them with truths. For me, that truth is this: I am brilliant, as are you. I have a unique perspective, and so do you. And the world needs what only we can give.

It’s not easy work. Letting go of self-imposed limitations takes awareness, courage, and practice. But when we release those illusions, we make room for freedom and potential.

So today, I invite you to pause and reflect:

  • What stories are you telling yourself?

    • Some favorites I have heard:

      • "You need a degree or special credentials to run a business."

      • "There’s too much competition for me to succeed."

      • "I must do it all myself for it to be done right."

      • The market is saturated, so there’s no room for me."

      • "Nobody needs what I have to offer."

      • "If it’s easy for me, it can’t be valuable to others."

      • "I missed the right time to start a business."

      • "The economy is too bad for me to succeed right now."

These blind spots might be holding you back. It's time to rewrite those stories into ones that reflect your true brilliance! We are not meant to live small lives. We are meant to shine—not in comparison to others, but as the fullest expression of ourselves.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. What blind spots have you uncovered in your journey? And how are you breaking free from the illusions that once held you back? Share your stories with me—I am here to support and help you break free.


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